Data Protection Report

Are you planning a new IT system or new work flows in your company? Are you not sure how to do this while complying with privacy laws? Do you have doubts whether the data processing processes already established in your company are legally allowed? Do you want to be sure before you start that your planned IT project won't leave you stranded in a data protection ghetto and result in unexpected additional costs and time delays for your company? Do you want to maintain your reputation as a reputable company in the use of your customers' and business partners' personal data? Are you afraid of negative press or public criticism from government data protection officers? Do you want to avoid unnecessary and costly litigation caused by data breaches?

Then you've turned to the right place! We give you the necessary legal certainty about your use of personal data. In well-founded legal opinions we will answer all your privacy questions. In our data protection report, we analyse all possible legal risks and the privacy issues that your project can unleash. We don't just point out the potential risks. Rather, we also explain the legally permissible design options for the successful implementation of your project.

Greater security thanks to data protection reports

A data protection report gives you the necessary security and lets you plan further technical, organisational and legal steps.

Don't wait too long. Give us a call!

Schweizer Privacy Law
Hagenholzstrasse 81a
CH-8050 Zürich
Telefon: +41 (0)76 457 70 90