Customer Relationship Management
Data protection and private law infringements with CRM
Publisher:Schulthess / Weblaw
Year of publication: 2006
Price CHF:118.00
Language: German
ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-7255-5260-3
Cloth Pages: 625
CRM is extremely sensitive, often illegal. In this publication, the author first gives a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the characteristic and essential data breaches which arise from processing personal data in CRMs.
A closer look at typical CRM system components and programs shows if, where, and to what extent the law is being violated in technical processes. CRM data processing is additionally investigated for further potential private rights violations. Finally, the author presents technical, organizational and legal solutions that can help avoid or minimise these violations of the law.
This book serves as the basis for data protection plans, internal rules and training in IT law, corporate computer science and marketing.
The book is aimed not only at corporate and government lawyers, prosecutors, judges, company and government data protection officers, but also:
Corporate IT managers
CRM project managers
Marketing and sales professionals
Data analysts
Data miners
Data warehouse architects
CRM professionals of all kinds
Information brokers, data and address dealers, direct marketing companies
Students in law, business administration and MIS
Management staff who have to decide on the use and application of CRM technologies within their company
Manufacturers of CRM tools
Consultants, journalists
Data Mining - Data Warehousing
Data Protection Guidance for Private Companies
Publisher: Orell Füssli
Year of publication: 1999
Price CHF: 79.00
Language: German
ISBN / ISSN: 978-3-280-02540-6
Cloth Pages: 416
The fledgling data mining and data warehousing technologies are conquering the modern business world at a rapid pace. They enable information hidden in large databases to be unearthed and allow economical and timely data management systems.
Through various links and analyses of the systematically collated customer data in the data warehouse, previously unknown information about customers can become known. These newly acquired personal data can then be used for various purposes, such as direct marketing, cross-selling or traded on the commercial market. In practice, this happens very often without the awareness of the persons concerned. This then raises numerous data protection issues discussed in this book with examples and cases.
This book specifically offers private companies initial guidance on data protection issues arising from the implementation and daily use of data mining and data warehousing. It discusses the requirements for lawful acquisition, care, processing, analysis and sharing of personal data.
This is the first German-language legal handbook on data protection to deal specifically with the latest data mining and data warehousing technologies.
This publication is intended to be a practical guide for private companies so that they do not infringe data protection laws when using data mining and data warehousing technologies. The publication also provides a commentary on the Swiss Data Protection Law and the European Data Protection Directives which took effect on 24 October 1998 in all EU member states.
Other Selected Publications
- The Health Insurance Data Coordination Law, Zurich 2007 (sold to insurance companies, but a greatly expanded and updated version will appear in 2017 published by Schweizer Privacy Law).
- Breaches of privacy in CRM data mining and data warehousing, contribution to 'IT Law in Practice'' Weka IT Law File, 2006.
- Data mining - a legal minefield, digma, Issue 3, September 2001, pp. 108 ff.
- Incorrect personal data and analysis results, digma, Issue 2, June 2007, pp. 64 ff.
- Legally collecting data for customer care, Handelszeitung, No. 18, 2-7 May 2007, page 17.
- Google Street View: Publication of personal pictures on the Internet, Digital judicial commentary, weblaw push service decisions, July 2012.
- The new EU Data Protection Regulation will come: A brief overview of salient key points, in: Jusletter IT, December 11, 2013.
- Customer data can be a big risk for companies, KMU-Magazine "success", Issue 11, December, 2013, p. 25.
- EU Data Protection Regulation - It threatens heavy fines, in: Entrepreneur Newspaper, March, pp. 56-57.